Cultural Migrations

  • JumBo Jugend mit Bock!
  • 06.02.2020
  • Workshops

Italien/Benevento & Altamura 

Aktion 1.1 Jugendbegegung

Partner INCA Italia/ Il Mosaico-Cooperativa Sociale

Cultural Migartions is a youth exchange that involves young people from Italy, France, Spain, Austria and Sweden. 

The exchange intends to develope ways to involve local young people in the sharing of different cultures and experiences.


18-25 years old people can get involved in building and sharing a creative space

to develope their ideas and awareness of other cultures.

Language of instruction: English

Creative Workshops - Excursions - Meetings - Events- Freestyle Animation - Games 

Top Neuigkeiten

TEK – Training,...

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